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Railtek™ Top Grain Leather Suede Straps

Railtek™ Leather Straps Only | test (Color)
Light Brown - Suede
Dark Grey - Suede
Black - Suede


❱ Width: 1-1/3" - (35mm)

❱ Fits an 18" to 50" Waist

❱ Trim to YOUR Perfect Fit

❱ ALL Straps Fit ALL Buckles.  Interchange any Strap with Any Buckle. 

This is our highest quality Top-Grain Leather Strap. Layered on both sides of the belt to give you the most durable and smooth feel. This strap will leave you feeling at the top. 

Already Have one of our Buckles?  Get an updated or new color strap.  Each Strap is fits up to a 50" waist and will fit ANY Railtek Buckle.  Our Belts are interchangeable so you can buy one buckle and 5 leather straps or 5 buckles and one strap.  It's your belt, do whatever makes you feel like a man!